Happy at Work

Friday, August 29, 2008

Today was a great day at work. I am amazed at how much I am still learning about myself just by the virtue of being in a professional setting and having a real job. During junior year of college, I thought that I have discovered pretty much all of myself, but was completely wrong. Over the past half year, I discovered myself at exponential rates, which is very exciting.

But back to work. I started at the beginning of August at the consulting company in which I interned last summer. The first two weeks were training and real case work only began last Monday. Since I was not a complete newbie, I was staffed on two very time-sensitive cases - 50% of my time was supposed to go to each of them. Since then, it has been a constant struggle to juggle both cases. One of them took over almost 100% of my time, while the managers and associates of the other one were wondering where I went. I spent two hours in meetings everyday, 50% of which I did not really need to attend because they were brainstorming sessions for the managers on the case. The work was piling up, I was getting called on to do little assignments by two different teams and I started to get very stressed out and frustrated.

And finally, the last couple of days everything clicked. I caught up on my part of the analysis, really dug into it and started to understand it. I felt comfortable enough to take ownership of that part of the work (however small it was in the grand spectrum of things...and it really was), understood it, could change it in any way that managers desired and felt that it was my work product.

Today was a great day because I was constantly busy from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., but I felt like I was on point at all times and all the tasks fit their time frame. I love these types of days.